Our PTO is made up of hard-working volunteers who pool their talents to provide practical support for our school. Those listed below volunteered to provide leadership this year. Get to know their names and faces, and feel free to ask them if you have questions.


Interested in open board positions? Contact us!


ExEcutive board members


President        Karina Hoffman                      

VP of Engagement     Scott Reynolds     

VP Fundraising      Sydney Buffum

VP Events      Micah Cogan

Secretary     Caitlin Iliff 

Co-Treasurer     Jenny Kloster 

Co-Treasurer     Jessica Porter



Social Media     Erin Lorton

Photo Days & Yearbook     Daiana Serreno-Villeta

Room Helpers     Jessica Gamarra

BVEF Liaison     Alli Gordon

LVE Restaurant Nights     Austin DeForest

Feather The Nest     (Vacant)

School Supply Kits     Alli Gordon

Spirit Wear     (Vacant)

Chat N Chew     Amanda Gillespie

Eagle Bash     (Vacant)

Glow Dance     Gabe Rickard

Movie Nights     Stacey Hemesath

Multicultural Event     Andrea Waid

5th Grade Farewell     Allison Carter • Jennifer Nowak • Emily Thompson • Jenn Wolniak • Kelli MacKenzie • Audrey Mitchell

Teacher & Staff Appreciation     Courtney Greeley • Ashley DeForest • Jaclyn Ebbing